Next: Symbols Phil Ensures
Up: For the Developer
Previous: Using Phil
This chapter discusses the
procedures for the developers of Phil
to follow. Users don't need to care
about them. (I gotta document them
somewhere so I don't forget them. I
could put them in another document, but
since the Phil docs are small, I might
as well put everything in this one file.)
This is how a developer builds Phil from
scratch, not from a distribution. Building from
scratch requires
Gnu Autoconf,
& latex2html,
whereas installing from a distribution
does not.
- cd to the directory which
contains the Phil makefile. Also in
that directory will be the directories
- autoconf
This will create ./configure.
- Follow the steps in
As long as you don't change or
phil.m4, you don't
need to re-run Autoconf.
Here are the steps. Proceed down the
list as long as each step succeeds. Any
single failure aborts the release
- Update ./ChangeLog. Hopefully,
it was kept up-to-date during
- make clean all check
- Edit ./version to hold the
new release's
major.minor number.
- autoconf
- ./configure
- make clean all check
- cvs commit
- make doc
- make dist
cvs tag release-`cat version |sed -e "s/[.]/-/g"`
- Go to
Phil's Page on SourceForge,
select Admin, then Edit/Release Files. Add a release to
package phil. The new release's name is
major.minor. When requested, upload the two
archives to
It's an anonymous ftp login, not a Source Forge account
- It appears that Source Forge
makes new files available only at certain
time periods.8.1 So don't worry if the files are
not visible right away.
- Use scp to upload the
documentation to
Phil's account on Source Forge.
That is
cd doc
scp index.html
scp -r phil
- Login into with
ssh to ensure that the
permissions on the documentation
files are correct.
cd /home/groups/g/gi/phil/htdocs
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
- Verify the documentation by
pointing your Web browser at
Phil's page on Source
- Double-check the Trove categories on the
Phil summary page on Source Forge
- Announce the release.
- You're done!
Next: Symbols Phil Ensures
Up: For the Developer
Previous: Using Phil
Gene Michael Stover